Every January The "Gem of the Oregon Coast" Celebrates the treasures of the Oregon Coast.
The town of Yachats, pronounced YAH-hots, means “Dark water at the foot of the mountain”. The "Gem of the Oregon Coast" and it’s also known as home of the world’s largest ocean. Being located in the central coast of Oregon it is rich with plant, animal and marine life.
Yachats is diverse in many ways with its wonderful community of quirky, artistic, and friendly people.
Yachats is a great place for the avid rock hound. In the winter months with its great storms, many agates are washed up from the ocean and from the rivers within the area.
This Year’s Agate festival will host many varieties of Rocks, Crystals and fossils. The festival will be held at the Yachats commons this year at 5Pm. Stop by and have the fossil-Doc take a look at your fossils and rocks or you can add to your growing collection. If you would like more information, please click the button below.